Sunday, February 28, 2016


Looks like I haven't posted any reviews in a while. Sigh. I have started a new job that takes plenty of my time. I still read lots. I have added audiobooks with my 25 minute each way commute.
I liked reviews as a way of keeping track of which books I read, which I like, and which I did not like and why.
I still prefer reading above all else, so reviews may be fewer and farther between. Erica Ridley was one of the first books I reviewed, and I am sure the Duke's Accidental Bride will not be the last one of hers I will review. I find it hard to do negative or meh reviews so maybe I need to concentrate on my five star keepers.

The Dukes of War - The Duke's Accidental Wife

The Duke's Accidental Wife The Duke's Accidental Wife by Erica Ridley
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This is a lovely Regency romance- I liked the fact that both the hero and heroine remain true to themselves while striving to make the best of a marriage of convenience.
I thought it adorable that they managed to 'compromise" themselves without even kissing - sweet!
And the hero did not dismiss her fears but allowed her time to get to know him, inadvertently because he was busy with Parliament, but still nice. In fact this ducal hero was just flat out nice.
Our heroine was total opposite from our reticent hero, she was social, but soon realized he wasn't. She graciously allowed him his space. Lovely, just lovely.

Thank you Erica for a sweet finale, if you will, to the Dukes of War series.